That's A Wrap
Selene: My bedroom? Ah yes... remember what I said about my bedroom? About, say, sharing with my sister Clare, for instance?
I hate it! Yuck! I've tried to add my own touches, like the bedding - my bed's the top one - and thankfully we're in agreement about the posters as we're pretty similar like that.. I just wish we were in others! I'm starting to understand how Chris felt - fish out of water springs to mind. S'alright for him, he's got his own room now where he keeps his coffin, he can deck it out how he wants... I so wish I had a room to myself. What's that? Tidy? God yeah, Clare's a neat freak! Just like Dad and Andy... still, it saves me a job! Pretty bare isn't it? She's quite the minimalist. I'd rather keep a bookcase and maybe a chair in here, but there's not much room.
Zephyr: My room? It's okay I guess.
This used to be Chris and Andy's room, before they had to leave. Selene and the others say it's 'cause they had babies on the way and couldn't stay. Now I've got their room, but Mum and Gina - as he calls her - made it all bright and stuff. When I'm bigger I'll make it how I want, maybe some black or red, better than blue. I like the bedding though, they let me pick that okay. Feels kinda weird though, being in my big brothers' old room. Wonder how it looked before...
Selene: More on our hobbies? Hehe, well, contrary to what you may think by now, we're not joined at the hip. In fact it's healthy to have some time alone, especially in a big family like this where we're in each other's faces all the time. I often find myself outside at night, gazing at the stars, wondering how many more extra-terrestrials are out there...
Zephyr: I like to practise a lot away from school. Our piano's nicer than theirs, and no other kids around to tease me about my eyes.
How would I feel without Selene? Um... I dunno... It'd be weird, and sad... she's the only one I think who's there when Mum gets into a fight with Gina. I'd miss the cuddles and the walks we take to get away from it. I'd miss our games too... *shrugs and goes quiet*
Selene: Zeph's a sweetheart, although I'm a little concerned for him - he's turned out the same as Dad and Chris. Trouble is, so have Clare and I - it's good in a way 'cause it means we can all look out for each other, but to tell you the truth, I'm terrified. Dad had a nervous breakdown, Chris cut himself and even attempted suicide. Are we cursed or something? With Zeph taking my parents' fighting so personally, I just hope he won't go through anything similar later on - he's already showing signs, I swear. He's too young to start down that path, I'd be torn open if I lost him the same way I nearly lost Chris. I almost feel responsible for him... should anything happen I don't know if I could live with myself.
Zephyr: If we won? *giggles* That'd be cool! I could just keep my sunglasses on in class, tell the others to back off 'cause I'm better than them now, they can't touch me! Hehehehe!
Selene: This may sound weird, but I'm not concerned so much with winning. Unless victory brings with it some peace and quiet *glances upwards*, but above all I hope Zeph will finally get the message that no one's out to get him, nobody hates him, that all it's down to is that people need to grow up and look beneath the black eyes, or Alex's features so apparent in his face. That's the only reason Mum gets so riled - he looks a lot like his Dad, which to her is a constant reminder that Dad strayed. Just for one damn night, with a man, not a woman, during a time he apparently needed reminding just to eat something, is that not enough grounds for diminished responsibility? Christ, I'm fifteen and I'm more mature than my own Mum! Huh? Would it make us any closer? *shrugs* Dunno, we're pretty close already, so why would that change?
Is there a special reason why you like each other?
Selene: Well, a lot of that's been explained before, but in a nutshell we're very similar. Both goths, if you will, both erm, very sensitive, intense, oh and logical. Generally we're on the same wavelength in a lot of ways.
Zephyr: She's nice, she gives me cuddles, she gets me things Mum or Dad wouldn't *giggles*
Selene: He means the outfits, mainly. He comes home in our nephew's clothes and asks me if he can have one of his own. He doesn't bother asking our parents anymore *smiles* They have something against "darker" clothes for some reason, even though it was them who introduced us to metal!
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