If you like each other, has there ever been a time when you've had a big fight?
Selene: Ooh, wow... *rubs nape of neck awkwardly* Well, we have our moments like most households, but...
Zephyr: *shuffles from foot to foot* Erm, there was this one time when Dad came round... mind you, it's always when he comes round...
Selene: He actually banned himself from here after that. Poor guy didn't know what hit him...
Zephyr: It was about me again.
Selene: It wasn't about you, it was about him and Dad.
Zephyr: *shrugs and slopes off*
Selene: *watches him go* Actually, I'm glad he's gone, not all of it's for his ears. You see... Mum thinks those two still secretly want to get together again. I'm starting to wonder myself, Dad acts funny around him every time he sees him. Anyway, all three of them got into this almighty argument, and guess who overheard. *glances back at Zephyr* Emotions always run high at times like this, and it's catching - any attempt I made to calm his nerves was basically thrown back in my face. I tried to reassure him none of this was his fault, it wasn't him they were fighting over, and he just yelled back. I got rankled, not just by him but also the sparring adults, and my voice was rising too. Eventually I stormed out of his room, where he'd gone, and took a dip in the pool to cool off. Not even his Dad could console him then, and just left. We made it up afterwards though; when we were both more calm we had a normal talk which ended with a big hug. As awful as this sounds, I really hate my Mum sometimes... I still remember when Dad had a complete breakdown because of it all - that was down to her again. I was only Zephyr's age when I saw this shaking, screaming, black and green heap on the floor that in some way resembled Dad, and I get visions sometimes of seeing it again...
Zephyr: Oh, hi. My favourite object? This. *indicates diary* Sometimes it's the only thing that'll listen to me and not question my feelings.
Zephyr: I like to relax with a book. Or maybe a game of chess - Mum sometimes takes me to see Dad, which I like a lot. He's really nice, and big too, just like Chris!
Selene: My favourite object? My MP3 player! Useful for drowning out bickering parents.
Selene: Relax? What's that?! Oh alright, I do have some still moments, usually when Clare fancies sharing a movie.
Selene: It's not easy doing things with your parents when they can't go out during the day. Good thing we have our own pool, although the only way to get Dad to join us is by making it entertaining!
Selene: Well, hopefully I'll be working through Uni by then. Doing what I don't know yet, maybe something involving either science or maths.
Zephyr: I'll be bigger too! I wanna get big like Chris and Dad, maybe get one of them to show me that machine thingy that Chris used to use while he was here.
Selene: Extra muscle looks great on guys, but not on girls. I know Mum got pretty big, I just hope she stays like that. I don't think much will change other than my being in digs instead of here... hopefully we'll still be as close as we are now.
Zephyr: *snuggles up to Selene* Sure we will *grins* I wanna get good at music and play in Andy's band when he gets one.
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